For most of the people we know the arrival of fall is almost widely hailed with much excitement. Sure summer is great and all but it can be hard for one to look smart as fuck without feeling like you're going to melt. Once the colors of the leaves start changing and the temperature starts dropping it's time to bust out your nice gear and get back to looking your best. We're here to help, as ever.
Full disclosure, where we're at it's already kicked into what many would consider winter weather. But we know a lot of you are lucky enough to still be experiencing fall and gearing up for winter. Most important question: what looks good?
Let's start with shirts. While we're big advocates of the plain Oxford button down during the summer months, once fall and winter comes around it's time to kick back over to the all important checks and tartans. Something about the season just makes the two go together. You by now, without a doubt, know the shirtmakers we personally recommend. In case you don't: Mikkel Rude and Brutus won't steer you wrong. Even with Brutus' dodgy advertising campaigns.
As for trousers this one is always the easiest. Sta prest. End of. As regular readers will know we can't recommend the Advantage Chinos from Brooks Brothers enough, but both Relco and Jump the Gun making a nice pair as well. Classic British khaki as always. Can't go wrong with a pair of navy either, or bottle green if you're more adventourous and can find a pair.
Once the weather starts dipping, we all start to layer. In terms of sweaters/vest you can't go wrong with a Ben Sherman or Fred Perry pullover. V-neck, long sleeve and you're sorted. By the way we've been looking for a oxblood Perry pullover with golden Laurel for ages now, size 42 chest. Just in case you have one. As for vests, once again Brooks Brothers takes this one. They offer a wide range of colours, but we're fairly conservative and tend to stick to just a plain navy or oxblood.
Now for the exciting part, the reason we all love fall and winter so much. the jackets. If you live in a climate where "winter" consists of months on end of rain, lucky bastards, we recommend a Mac. No one seems to wear these anymore but if you can find one with a slim cut, such as Jump The Gun's take on the classic raincoat, you'll look smart as. And keep dry. Very important stuff. For the rest of us, where winter consists of freezing temperatures and snow you simply cannot go wrong with a Crombie. Classics are classics for a reason and there isn't a smarter coat in the arsenal. Skip the normal black and go for a camel or navy color. If you're feeling really crazy go for a Prince of Wales. We recommend Adam of London or Jump the Gun, both are pretty much the same coat.
Shoes can be a bit of a tricky propistion and we have to admit to occasionally breaking down and pulling out the old boots cause the snow is just too deep. We advise staying away from loafers, unless wet feet are your thing. We're not judging. Lace up brogues and smooths are the way to go here. Loake, Florsheim and Bostonian will all take care of you just fine.
Finally we have accessories. Not a lot for us to delve into here but for keeping yourself warm there is nothing smarter than a plain scarf in your football clubs colours. Not the scarves with the club name or legend on it, just an alternating bar design. We imagine a fair few of you would choose claret and blue. Smart. But they can be found in any variety, for any club. Just don't be the goof caught out in the other type of scarf. Those are for at home.
So there you have it. Not very complicated is it? What would we suggest as a good look? Well a classic one, one you've seen a million times but when someone takes the time out to get all the details right they look far and away better than anyone else. Long sleeve button down shirt, Navy v-neck vest over top. British khaki sta prest and a pair of matching socks for the shirt. Nice pair of smooths, polished so you can see your face in them. Crombie coat over top and your football scarf tucked into it. Hair in a proper suedehead cut. Easy peezy.
When it comes to the advantage chinos, what fit do you typically go for? I personally like the Milano.
ReplyDeleteThis is, easily, one of the best blogs around. You've introduced me to so many great tunes, brands, etc. Cheers, guys.
Use to prefer the Clark, had many tell me they were the closest to the original Levi sta prest style of fit. Recently bought a pair with Milano fit after holding out and much prefer them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback on the site, glad we're doing what we set out to do.
Dynamite site, the hound's mounds indeed. I suppose it's down to personal preference, but I find the rise on the Milano a bit short, which tends to crush my junk... though again it sounds as though it's just down to personal preference. Great time of year now, breaking out the nice clobber.
ReplyDeleteTerry, just realized what blog you run (ran?). Have to say I'm honoured you enjoy this blog so much, yours has been one of my favorites for a long time.
ReplyDeleteAh, I can't take credit for the blog; that's my buddy Sean from the Chicago area. I contribute bits here and there, though it's been some time. The main reason "Saturday Night Beneath the Plastic Palm Trees" blog ground to a halt is that Sean has gone and published a fine tangible publication known as "Neutral Accents"(referring to the lack of any sort of 'twang' in the American Midwest accent). The most recent issue has an interview with Sean's(and many peoples') hero, Hoxton Tom McCourt and some other less savoury subject matter. I don't know your policy on putting up links, so Google search will bring you to the right place.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the excellent blog! T.O'R.75.